CASA Accredited Solutions
Do you need assistance in dealing with CASA? AVSTAR can help you cut through the red tape.
Specialised Training Systems
Need flexible, convenient, specialised training? AVSTAR provide tailor made online courses, available anywhere, any time.
Industry Resources
Need information but don't know where to find it? AVSTAR provides a portal to other aviation related websites.
Custom Company Training Portals
Having your own, fully branded, online training portal is a great way to expose your training systems to your target audience.
Our system allows us to build you a custom branded training portal with all of the courses you choose as well as any custom courses you want to deliver to your audience.
The development of online training portals for individual companies is a 3 step process as follows:
- Website Setup
- Course Development
- Course Delivery
Our costing policy is based on the number of courses a client purchases per annum, i.e. the more courses purchased each year, the less each course will cost, and the more likely that setup costs may be reduced or waived entirely.
Generally there is a once off setup fee which allows us to create a custom url for you and covers the time it takes to create your branded portal and course certificates artwork. The once of setup fee of $1000 may be reduced or waived completely based on your course usage volume.
If you want to know more just call us on 13 000 AVSTAR.
What's New

Remember this mild mannered character?
Have you been wondering what he's been up to these past few years?
Well he's been re-building himself better, stronger, wiser, and he didn't cost $6 million!
He's back doing what he does best and that's helping you fight the dreaded 'RED TAPE'.
One Man, Two Special Powers!

DG Man

Dangerous Goods - Cabin Crew
Dangerous Goods - Check-in Staff
Dangerous Goods - Flight Crew
Other Courses Available
We have many other courses available;
Legislation dictates these courses be delivered through a private training portal. Contact us now and find out how easily we can set that up for your company.